One week in to construction and the walls are up!
So far so good. All that time spent drawing has paid off in spades. I like the way the flare came out and I think the sidewall shingles will smooth it out even more. It's already drawing in passer-bys. I love that about building these things. People just don't get to see roof lines like these.
Now that the walls are up, my kids are already clamoring to get inside and goof off. That's Grant, above. He's almost 18 months and my daughter, Josephine, is four. She's reached an age where she can help me now. For instance, when I was framing up the floor, she could hold my tape when I was checking for square (though she was uncertain why it was so important that the floor BE square).
She's getting pretty good at wielding that hammer.
Now that the walls are up, it's time to look up and fill in some of that blue sky with some swooping rafters.
At a Magical Playhouses construction site bubbles are encouraged.
But before I get to those rafters, it's time to make a ridge beam. With such a swooping ridge I decided to make my own glue-lam out of some ACX ply. It's important it's strong, because it will project beyond the wall plane, becoming the supporting tenons for the dragon's head and tail.
With so many curves on this playhouse, this is going to be a familiar sight when I go to make the door and trim package. Time to invest in some more clamps.